Hey hello 2021, what's up?!

Hey hello 2021, what's up?!

Read below about our newest collection - what stands behind the name, and who do we donate to? 

Our collection is called 'Hey Wonder Fool World' and expresses the fascination for the wonderful place we live in, yet including an observation of our rapid and somewhat strange human development. A development that has been exposed to a new situation for the past year, finding ourselves in a strange new reality.

Here are the three newbies. The first one is 'Hey Yogini': 

This print is dedicated to our behaviour in social media. You will find lots of 'likes' and 'thumbs up', incredibly flexible yogis bending their legs behind their head in (literally) impossible ways. Their skills are impressive but not the yogi we should compare ourselves to, if any at all. 

Here is our 'Home' design: 

Our first wish was to design Mexican style houses with their cool colours and decor. The interior of a home says so much about the culture a person is from, we find this very interesting. As the first lock-down was coming up, we added some people that were stuck in their houses. 

And our beloved 'Electric Jungle':

As always we dedicate some elements to nature as we love the forms, patterns and colours. Nature is powerful and so much bigger than us. The jaguar is also somewhere in there, we adore it for its cat-like elegant movement that every yogi would like to implement in their yoga practice. It is effortless, strong and flexible - and just so damn cool. 


Who do we donate to? 

With three designs, some of which are also from the CHAOS collection, we have chosen a few organisations that we would like to support. Below we explain why! Also interesting to know, we donate 4€ per sold legging and 2€ per sold shorts or crop top.

'Hey Yogini' Designs donates a part to 'Orchid Project' from the UK. With our older designs 'Power Pants Eve' and 'Power Pants Day' (both sold out) we have previously donated to this project that fights against female genital cutting. This is important work that needs to get more attention and support, in financial and moral terms. 

The 'Home' design is dedicated to the current refugee situation and we donate to 'Help Refugees'. They have been helping in the refugee camps in Greece since 2015 and have an approach that involves supporting locals and local activities thus going for a more sustainable 'self-help from within' approach. Due to the current situation, worsened by Corona, we want to support their efforts.

And our CHAOS Sweatpants is from the CHAOS collection, launched at about the same time, and donates to 'Light Without Borders', an NGO that provides free optometry and prescription glasses to refugees in Lesbos in Greece. They are a Spanish non-profit and established a permanent clinic in Moria camp in Lesbos in 2016.

See all donation-based designs here.

Thank you for reading our blog! 



If you like what you see and want to support us #leave_review or #follow_us  


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