We are aware that climate change is a reality that we are all facing and we believe, that to fight it, a lot of different things need to happen. As part of the fashion industry, even though we are a very small part of it, we do our best for our planet. Here is how...
We are focusing on reducing the use of single-use plastics as this is the type of plastic, that is harmful especially in the quantities, we are using them. That is the reason why 100% of our poly bags are recyclable!

Our main supplier is in Turkey so our freight is transported via truck, instead of air freight. Additionally, when ordering samples, we use a carbon-neutral option that is offered with our postal service provider.
Our production quantity is very (very!) low for the fashion industry. We are intentional with the pieces we produce and only have two to three collections per year. We never have leftover stock, nothing is ever thrown away or into landfills. We even sell pieces that have small errors in our pop up stores!

Our products are what showcases our creativity and since we believe that clothes should always be comfortable, we also do our best to find the best materials, fit and cut - so that it looks and feels good! Besides that, here are the things we do to ensure that we are as environmentally-friendly as possible...
We produce with a 100% recycled polyester material. Recycled fabrics use up materials that are not biodegradable and by re-using those materials, their lifespan is prolonged and waste, that would be left in our oceans and landfills, is reduced.
We also produce with a bamboo and cotton fabric. Bamboo was long hyped as one of the most sustainable solutions for the fashion industry as it is growing and can be sourced naturally. It has now been corrected down a bit as the environmental impact is not as clean as previously hoped. We are aware of it and are always on the look out for a better material.
Social Contribution
To contribute socially is very important to us! Since our start in 2017 we donated a total of 7.265€ to a variety of non-profits - wow!
These organisations are: Orchid Project, Musicians without Borders, Proactiva Open Arms, Vier Pfoten, Parley, Help Refugees, Light without borders, Fridays for Future, Kunstzentrum Besondere Menschen, Deutsche Depressionsliga, UNO Flüchtlingshilfe, Sea Sheperd and Medica Mondiale.
We are extremely proud to have achieved a donation amount as high as this one. As we have been struggling financially this year, with the current recession and inflation, we were not able yet to make our donation for our last collection 'Zeitgeist'. We do hope to recover soon to do it as soon as possible.
The small details
In every part of the process we select the most environmentally friendly option that is available to us. This isn't always as optimal as we wish because as a small brand you can't realise all appropriate actions to target climate change in the fashion industry. It's even hard to stay up to date with all the changes so instead, we like to think of simple solutions.
Our shipping bags from the factory to our warehouse, as well as from our warehouse to you, is made from FSC certified paper. We ship from our warehouse, which is basically now in the home of one of the two creators, in Berlin. We recycle carton boxes whenever we can so don't be surprised to have your Pitaya order arrive in a fancy, re-used Amazon box.

It's a constant process!
Our dedication to being as eco-friendly as possible belongs to our main focuses since we started in 2017. In 2019 we even made a whole collection about 'sustainability', in which our illustrations reflected upon the idea of sustainable living... Click here to learn more!
Thanks for checking us out!