Some of you know us from our very beginning in 2017 and maybe you remember our 'Marble Marvel' designs from the first ever collection!?

Whenever we wear the Pale Marble design, we get asked if it's still available - which we find pretty awesome. Back then we produced the design in two colour ways, something we don't really do anymore today.
To put the 2017 Marble design a bit in context: It was a very free, light & happy time for us. Corona didn't exist yet, Pitaya was a first idea that set out to work so good it surprised us & didn't feel like a big responsibility. We were both travelling in Asia and South America with no plans, no partners, no babies, no cats and no rents to pay anywhere.

That's all very interesting, but what does it have to do with the Marbleblast design?
Let's go back to 2022 and connect the dots: The broad topic of 'getting older' was the main inspiration for our summer collection. It inspired us to think about the times our grandparents grew up which (if you are our age) is the 60's and 70's.
Amongst other world-changing things happening, this era is known as
>> the Psychedelic era, a time of social, musical and artistic change influenced by psychedelic drugs, occurring from the mid-1960s to mid-1970s. <<
Sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it? But are you surprised us when elder people tell you about their 'wild times'? We definitely are, every time.
Even though, if you think about it a bit more, the times our grandparents grew up in, were PROPER WILD. I mean seriously: WOW! That must have been an adventure! Music & arts were developing at light-speed and you could experience it with some swirling filters on it. Perfect!
We simply would love to have a time machine and take a peak!

In general our designs have the tendency to be a bit psychedelic and that is because we like the surreal, imaginative, extra-terrestrial & non-defined content. The Marble we created in 2022 seems a tiny bit more serious than the one we did in 2017 - or is that just in our heads?

>> See New Collection <<